General description of the periodical

Title: Παιδεία: issledovaniya po filosofskim i teologicheskim problemam obrazovaniya

Alternative title: Paideia: Studies in Philosophy and Theology of Education

Frequency of publication: 2 issues per year

Languages: Russian, English

Subject: philosophy and theology of education

Review type: double-blind peer-review

There is no publication fee for an article review and its publishing

Number of articles: 10–20 articles per issue

Distribution form: online publishing

Distribution principle: open-access journal

Distribution territory: Russian Federation, other countries

Established in: 2021


  • The Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia
  • Yaroslav-the-Wise Novgorod State University
  • Moscow Pedagogical State University
  • Association of Educational Organizations “Theological Scholarly and Educational Association”

Publisher: The Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia

Founder’s (publisher’s) address: 48 Moika Emb, Saint Petersburg 191186, Russia